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Bollywood songs to be featured in presentation.
Bollywood's famed music will make an appearance on the small screen. Powerpoint screen that is. Most of the music on the coming up presentation on the KKK features many of Bollywood's sad and moody songs. However, the music seems to go well with the presentation. To see songs used in presntation go to Tribute to Bollywood page. Armenian cartoonium features cartoons on Mideast conflict. Mostly Palestinian the cartoons are from the conflict in the mideast.

New sections added

Focus on Spain!

Site dedicated in Espanola!

a new section focusing on Spain will be added very soon mostly features events from the recent attacks on Madrid...Send prayers the country could use it and don't forget the flowers!

Thanks to Babel translation, Powerful 6 will be featured in Spanish in dedication to Madrid's over evil.

Just for starters. POWERFUL 6 will be featured in Dutch. The original idea was to have the website translated into Arabic but it is proving to be quite difficult since the Arabic font does not support the font, but attempts will still be made.

News head lines coming soon!

Sometimes soon, Powerful 6 will get news headlines.

POWERFUL 6 will soon be featured in Arabic featuring a section dedicated to the Middle East Conflict. It will include many sections from the wall running through the West Bank and Israel.

Below: Banner for the new Poweful 6 website in Arabic.te to Bollywood, resources and a new section for Haiti are up and running. The special tribute to Bollywood dedicates the living and famous memory of the greatest Bollywood classics of all time!